Can I attend the conference without submitting a pitch?

Yes! While the stock pitch is a big part of the conference, it only makes up half of what we have planned. Throughout the day there will be world class speakers, a corporate showcase, breakfast and lunch, and time to network with peers.

Can I only submit one pitch per school/organization?

No. There is no limit as to how many pitches can be submitted per school or organization. Additionally, groups can even be comprised of people across different organizations or different universities.

Will I have an opportunity to network?

Yes! There will be multiple opportunities to network with professionals and other student attendees. All students will have the opportunity to attend the corporate showcase and speak with representatives from our sponsoring firms, as well as speak with peers during our break for lunch.

How else can the conference help me advance professionally?

Sponsoring firms will receive resume books of participants, as well as set up recruiting events/coffee chats with conference participants. This allows for a unique opportunity to get your name out there whether you are participating in the stock pitch competition or just attending the conference.